The FREE Crash Course in Residual Income STARTS in:









Sept. 26 - Sept. 28, 2023

Crash Course in Residual Income 

Great news for aspiring entrepreneurs or anyone wanting more money!

In just three 30-minute sessions, you'll gain valuable insights into creating QUICK CASH, while you are developing a substantial revenue asset for your future.

We talk about Money, Strategies, and Speed within the world of residual income, side hustles, and e-commerce.

This FREE course is the ultimate gift for those who are eager to create new streams of income and revenue assets for a brighter future.

This is the information you need to make an educated decision about what is right for you. Join us LIVE or watch the REPLAY.

Sign Me Up!



You need (or want) more money but don't have an abundance of time and energy to put into learning something new, right?

You've heard of network marketing, direct sales, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and online entrepreneurship, but what is the difference between each?

You would like clarity on how residual income works to become a substantial revenue asset for your future.

This no-sales, unbiased, Crash Course will give you the information you need to make the RIGHT decision to build your wealth.

YES, Educate Me!


Residual Income

Crash Course


Let's Talk Money

Tuesday, Sept. 26th, 12 p.m. pacific time

You'll walk away with a clear understanding of:

- Revenue solutions

- Residual Income vs. passive income vs. investments

- Current economic impact

- Which cash flow quadrant is best for you and why


Let's Talk Strategy

Wed, Sept. 27th, 12 p.m. pacific time

You'll learn:

- How to monetize your passion

- How to demystify terms like side-hustle, social selling, network marketing, affiliate marketing, direct sales and e-commerce

- What is the best strategy for your income portfolio

- Where and how to start


Let's Talk Speed

Thurs, Sept. 28th, 12 p.m. pacific time

- The power of duplication

- Realistic expectations

- Simple systems to duplicate quickly

- Automation

- Special invitation

Yes! I want to learn!

Crash Course in Residual Income 

Knowledge is Power! 


A simple explanation of passive income vs. residual income vs. investments.


Discover your best strategy for building a passive income stream & revenue asset for the future.


Select a strategy to reach your goals quickly, then set a plan to start building the life you deserve. 

Yes, I Want to Register Now!

You don't want to miss this FREE course!

The timing is perfect NOW.

With the current economic decline, the environment is ripe for those who want to lean in to build an additional revenue asset. It takes strategy, time and perseverance to build a substantial residual income and the time to start is NOW! This FREE Crash Course will give you the knowledge, plan, and support to increase your income quickly.

Sign me up for this FREE Crash Course!

Hi, I'm Laurel Boylan

I am Laurel Boylan and I empower others to reclaim their OPTIMAL HEALTH and ENERGY, while building their net worth. In other words, I sell FREEDOM!

I do this through:
✅ Market disrupting health and beauty products 

✅ The BEST compensation plan in the industry

✅ The most fun team and community of support

✅ A 3-Step Simple System to build your business in the pockets of your day

So, if regaining your health and energy, diversifying your income and building a long-term revenue asset sounds appealing to you, please register for this FREE Crash Course.

It’s time you stop just surviving and begin THRIVING! 😃


We're here to help.

[email protected]